Kortet laget jeg av et bilde jeg fant på google. Jeg printet det ut på et grovt tegneark for at det skulle se litt gammelt ut. Å, som jeg elsker silkebånd!
fredag 22. februar 2013
Lost in translation...
Okay, so I have to admit... Having to write in english has kind of kept me from blogging. I'm no way near being able to express my self in english the same way I do in norwegian. And I really want to blog, because I love writing. So... I'm going to switch over to norwegian. I have added the google translate button to my blog though, maby it'll work hehe :)
søndag 3. februar 2013
Fishtail braids! Love this way of braiding :) Casual and cute I think. And they don't make you look like you're five like regular braids tend to. I work in a kindergarden so I need to have my hair out of the way, but I still want to show of the length. So braids are perfect! Fishtail braids also don't leave any weird curls wich is nice if you want to wear your hair loose when you get home.
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